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Optikseminar 06.01.15 - Universität Rostock

Kategorie: Institut für Physik

Squeezed states of light, together with entangled qbit states, provide the most striking examples of quantumness. Despite their high technological relevance they remain hard to address directly in the most fundamental systems, formed by individual quantum emitters in resonance fluorescence. Rather, squeezed light has so far been generated in large systems such as nonlinear crystals and atomic vapors, with recent theoretical and experimental progress towards microcavities.

We investigate how nanoarchitectures can strongly modify the generation of squeezed light. This approach allows for creating much brighter sources of squeezed light, achieving a larger bandwidth and even overcoming substantial phonon-induced dephasing, which lend themselves to the integration in nanooptical devices. It turns out that a further significant enhancement of the generated squeezing amplitude is feasible in the near field.

Authors: Universität Rostock

Lesen Sie mehr http://www.uni-rostock.de/aktuelles/alle-meldungen/detailansicht-der-news/news-artikel/optikseminar-060115/

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